Intel: History Comes Alive

Intel: History Comes Alive

History Comes Alive was the first the 3D projection mapping on the ancient walls of Xi’an and attracted press from all over China. Everything was considered authentic by the Chinese audience, which is a big compliment considering most of the production team was non-Chinese.

Business impact - sales, donations, site traffic: 590,247 wechat read views, the KPI reached 125%.

Response rate: By the end of activation campaign, 48 social contents were pushed, finished 100% KPI and had over 120% propagation effect

Impressions: 590,247 wechat read views, the KPI reached 125%.

Consumer awareness: 50,555 Weibo engagement and 590,247 wechat read views, the KPI reached 150%.

UGC achieved 3,266 comments, reached KPI 363%.

Consumer verbatim:
‘Intel is always leading in technology innovation.’
‘Guess it is going to be more popular in usage.’
‘The technological advancement push further the relationship between human and technology.’

We wanted to tap into into the importance of technology amongst Chinese netizens to make Chinese history a more personal story through Intel RealSense. The idea was to demonstrate the potential of this innovative new technology by creating life-like facial models of participants, which were then mapped onto historical characters in a series of 3D-animated stories.

History Comes Alive brings art and technology together in an experiential event that connects people in China to their remarkable heritage. To feature ordinary people in an extraordinary way, we produced four original films and an installation to make it personal. By scanning their face, participants are featured in a series of fully-animated stories in which their faces are mapped onto historical characters. The project was first brought to life on the ancient walls of Xi’an and now lives in live events around China.

China has a very long and very rich history, but young people in China seem to know less and less about this. To (re)connect people to their remarkable heritage, Intel created modern-day renditions of legends and events from over 5,000 years of history using their new RealSense technology, which creates detailed 3D models of faces.

Chinese consumers are no longer looking for brands that provide functional benefits. The brand experience is also important in motivating their spending. According to McKinsey 2016 China Consumer Report, Chinese consumers have changed their spending beyond just products to lifestyle services and experiences. For example, the spending on leisure and entertainment has been increased from 8% in 2012 to 25% in 2015.

There is also a rising population of Chinese consumers who are loyal to a few brands they aspire to and only buy brands within their consideration set. The brand loyalty has increased from 73% to 79% in consumer electronics category according to McKinsey. Therefore, it is important to build brand affinity with the target consumers through brand experience.

Intel: History Comes Alive Intel: History Comes Alive Intel: History Comes Alive