One Shot

One Shot

Each of the three photographers bring a unique style (and film format) to the project, creating three distinct sets of one-of-a-kind photos within this year's theme of 'friendship'.

As stated by one of the three photographers: “One Shot is an homage to analog and creative choices. I see so many people around me just shooting loads of material, without making real choices. The idea is quite often that it will be figured out in the edit or even in post-production. To me, that almost seems like a lack of craftsmanship. I think making choices right from the start is essential to the creative process. The realization that you have a limited number of shots on a roll makes you really think and be present in the moment.”

Another one adds: “Photography is often a chain of infinite reproduction. The value of a photo nowadays is decreasing. I think One Shot is bringing this aspect into a new form. It makes people think about the medium “photography” as well.”

As a photographer it can be refreshing to work with flexible briefs and different concepts. That's why three photographers wanted to join One Shot, the world’s most limited, limited edition photo series, for their third edition to celebrate the fragile beauty of analog.

One Shot’s online gallery is a unique way to purchase fine art photography. Buyers aren’t able to preview the shots — they only have the shot numbers on the roll to choose from. This element of uncertainty and risk makes One Shot the Russian roulette of photography. When a shot is claimed, it’s gone forever. Each buyer will receive the only print of their shot in existence — delivered in beautiful packaging, signed and numbered by the photographer.

One ShotOne ShotOne ShotOne ShotOne ShotOne ShotOne Shot