Creating an original toy to illustrate the zoo's incredible biodiversity: 40 ingeniously designed wooden blocks so visitors could build every living creature in the zoo – and take them home with them. The ultimate souvenir.
ALL OF ARTIS was a huge success. The ALL OF ARTIS created the biggest part of the turnover – and also generated lots of free publicity in relevant media such as LINDA, Het Parool, de Volkskrant magazine, NRC DeLuxe magazine and ELLE Decoration magazine. Additionally, it resulted in a cooperation with luxury department store, Bijenkorf, who have decided to sell the toy in all their Dutch stores. It led to new ideas for the park: ARTIS is also introducing a playground version of ALL OF ARTIS: with XL-sized weather-proof blocks so children can make larger-than-life animals. Finally, ALL OF ARTIS catalysed the ARTIS brand and ARTIS-shop – and is still going strong.
The key concept for this campaign was a product: a bespoke toy that was completely original.
ALL OF ARTIS consisted of 40 wooden blocks that could be used to build every animal in the zoo – from green algae and pelicans to a gorillas and elephants.
A toy and campaign item in one, it showcased the wide variety of animal species living in ARTIS – and also came with an instruction booklet detailing how to build of the 120 animals. The idea was that visitors could take all the animals in ARTIS home with them.
The visual language that emerged from the toy was used for an extended media campaign: print, outdoor posters, a tram, website (including instructions on how to build all the animals), TVCs, cinema commercials, and banners. ALL OF ARTIS was also applied to business cards and relation gifts, as well as merchandise: mugs, plates, bags, fridge magnets, t-shirts, a calendar, postcards and wrapping paper. All celebrated the wide range of species on view at the zoo.
Show the wonder of the bio-diversity within ARTIS Amsterdam Royal Zoo in a surprising, entertaining and engaging way. More than 1,000 different animals, trees and microbes live in ARTIS.
‘Consistent, inspiring and memorable visual language. Extremely well crafted, as it starts with simple shapes that combine together in different ways, creating an everlasting endless universe. We felt invited by the campaign. You feel not only seduced by it but also part of it.’
‘Simplicity, poetry of ideas, core of traditional design, beautiful craft - Fresh, artisanal, playful. Cultural Dutch design. Stretches across many touch points – innovation with music, product, packaging.’
‘Consistency across all touch points. Using the power of design and simplicity. Charming and gorgeous. Each piece of the work is perfectly executed. Makes the promise of the brand very tangible.’
After Artis de Partis I had already been playing for some time with the idea of designing something new for the ARTIS shop. After all, the ultimate souvenir is being to take all the animals home with you. That’s how it all started. It’s the differences that make animals so much fun for me. This enormous diversity in nature is a kind of chance miracle. The qualities and characteristics of animals exist because the strongest properties survive.
Christian Borstlap
But isn’t it bizarre that with a bright blue nose and a red butt one has more chances of survival! That’s the wonder I still feel when I’m walking through ARTIS. This idea touches something essential: the cacophony of differences. All brought together in the most beautiful park of Amsterdam. Actually, this is what All of Artis is about. But it’s also fine if you just see a lot of cute animals.
Christian Borstlap