KLM is not able to share commercial information.
KLM recognizes the ‘person in the passenger’ and understands that to deliver value, we must provide customers with the right service at the right time. The new KLM app helps travelers stay one step ahead by continuously providing contextually relevant information about the next step of their journey. With the KLM app, customers are able to: book flights; check in; pick favorite seats; access flying blue membership rewards; scan passport; get inspired with destination information; and ancillary services integration. At all times, the app presents the most relevant information to customers using contextually relevant cards, for example – if you are 30days out from your trip, simple flight time and seat information is displayed when you open the app; if you are 24hrs out, you are automatically prompted to check in and destination information is displayed. The mobile app and iWatch work seamlessly together and sit at the heart of the KLM customer ecosystem.
For launch, we targeted our most valuable existing customers, understating that there may be adoption challenges with long time customers fondly familiar with the old app. For this purpose, we developed dedicated web pages and helpful product overview videos.
Design a brand new native KLM core app on mobile (iOS and Android) and iWatch that delivers a full range of services including: ecommerce/flight booking; check in; pick favorite seat; upgrade functionality; access flying blue membership rewards; customer service; and provide destination information. The KLM app should define and extend the KLM brand proposition, meet and exceed customer expectations, and grow mobile as a revenue and customer service channel.