One Love

One Love

Working closely together with the Appelsap team, we came up with the overall ethos 'One Love', a direct reference to the all time classic Hip Hop track by Nas and generally known as a shoutout in the rap scene. On four different continents we shot video- and photographic content as mini documercials showcasing the brand's global music- and street culture family.

The concept kicked off in Cape Town, before traveling with Appelsap to SXSW in Austin, TX, Jakarta and back to hometown Amsterdam. We shot portraits of the festival’s international family like 070 Shake, AJ Tracey, Jarreau Vandal & Dope Saint Jude.

Besides the main commercial, we've created twenty-five 15” instagram mini-videos and initiated an ongoing photographic journal on Appelsap’s website.

To accentuate the colorfulness of the campaign we’ve created a new, fresh color palette as backbone for the campaign. As we were shooting day & night, on different continents, we used soft, bright colors to create unity in the images.


We feel the strength of this campaign lies in the fact that the concept wasn’t just a commercial idea, but was actually ingrained throughout the whole process of making it. Everybody (from the cast, voice overs, producers, creatives, music- and sound designers) who worked on the campaign put in their free time and energy and it became an international project where even different production agencies stepped in to bring this campaign to the next level. One love!

Appelsap Festival started out as free open-air jam in Amsterdam in 2000, and has earned international fame every year since. While maintaining locally relevant, they welcome more & more foreign visitors. The festival has booked acts like Kendrick Lamar, Travi$ Scott & Skepta just before they blew up, and has musical friends all over the globe.

For the 2017 campaign Appelsap wanted to celebrate its (inter)national network of kindred spirits and talent and went on a worldwide journey. In times when people are threatening to grow apart, the brand (progressive, but also strongly committed to the foundation of Hiphop's principles), wanted to spread love, peace and unity showcasing the vibes known from the Summer festival in an integrated, visually outstanding and super-positive campaign.

The brief focused on film- & photographic content that could be stretched from May-Aug 2017. Of key importance was to keep the attention of the target group; the young & fast consuming millennial audience.

Jury feedback


A small scale, local festival comes out with a campaign with global appeal. Raw and impactful, yet accessible images keep coming like a pulsing heartbeat.