

‘Pfff…’ relax tea is a totally new and very approachable way to introduce the brand Prominent and its relax chairs to a new audience. Without forcing them into a chair. The first shipment from Sri Lanka has arrived. Stores and wellness centres throughout the Netherlands are being supplied. The big consumer events will follow in the course of 2017.

We created a series of special tea, named ‘Pfff…’ Tea is very popular nowadays, especially amongst women, and a perfect way to relieve stress. ‘Pfff…’ is herbal tea and available in six different flavours with appealing names like ‘Pfff…couldn’t walk another step’ tea. 

These fun names capture moments recognisable to everybody. And with them, we link to the brand campaign: “At moments like this you long for a Prominent relax chair.”

As soon as you open it, the box transforms into a miniature relaxation chair. Inside you’ll find tea bags, of course; but also a mini brochure showing the new Prominent chair collection in surprisingly modern settings. 

‘Pfff…’ tea is handed out at big consumer events such as De Huishoudbeurs, VT Wonen & Design Beurs and De Libelle Zomerweek. Besides that, you can find ‘Pfff…’ tea in various wellness centres and in the 50 Prominent showrooms.

Prominent is a manufacturer of relax chairs. The target audience used to be elderly people (70+). But in order to grow, Prominent is now focusing on a younger audience, mainly women (40-60 years). 

Although they have a need for relaxation (me-time), they are simply not ready for a relax chair. Yet. Obviously, for these people visiting a Prominent store is currently a bridge too far.

Challenge: how can we convince these women that relax chairs are not associated with old age and that they actually look great in the right setting?

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