Share a Porsche - Marriage

Share a Porsche - Marriage

Porsche Marriage obtained a great direct response among our target audience, proving how far people are willing to go for an iconic car brand like Porsche.
Over 15.000 users visited during the first week.
From those, over 1.600 engaged with our idea, meaning 12% of them completed a pretty daring registration form (signing a prenuptial agreement!). In the end, over 1600 marriage proposals were accepted, that is, over 400 groups of friends officially engaging with our campaign and willing to engage with each other in an official ceremony.
Other results: Total Facebook reach: 727.532 views (2787 likes, 491 reactions, 435 shares, 3770 clicks on link).

Thanks to the Share a Porsche service, the dream of owning a Porsche seems easier than ever.
But we wanted to make sure that Porsche remained a most desired car brand, so we asked people to prove a level of commitment that made them Porsche-worthy.
That’s how we came up with the ultimate commitment proposal:
Would you marry your friends for a Porsche?
We shared an online video to spread our daring proposal, created a website where friends could register (in the form of a prenuptial agreement with each other) and we conducted an extensive research in order to find the place in the world where group marriage is not only a tradition, but also a legal practice: Kinnaur, a region of India.
Once we selected our four winners, we flew them there and got them married, rewarding their commitment and true friendship with the ultimate reward: a Porsche 911.

Share a Porsche is a service that allows up to four people to own a Porsche together.
In order to promote this service, Porsche asked us to engage with this ‘entry level’ group of customers, while maintaining the brand values that have turned Porsche into one of the most desired luxury brands in the world.

Share a Porsche - Marriage