The BIEM app

The BIEM app

Within 5 days:

But even more important; the target group was lighting fireworks from a safe distance without even realizing it.

To keep our target group (consisting of 747.000 Dutch young men) at a safe distance while they’re lighting fireworks, we’re making them use the one thing they love most; their mobile phone. To encourage them to use their mobiles even more, we developed a video app that replaces the sound of a firework explosion with a special ‘Biem’ sound effect. Videos were ‘Biemified’ when filmed from the instructed safe distance.

Why Biem? When a newsreporter asked a guy about a gas explosion in his street, he described the sound of the explosion as ‘Biem’ instead of ‘Boom’. Turning him into an overnight online cult hero.

Together with ‘Mr. Biem’ we launched the BIEM app on ‘Dumpert’, the leading Dutch online video site for our target group, giving our campaign instead street credibility.

How do you keep Dutch kids (16-24) at a safe distance while lighting fireworks around NYE? This target group doesn’t care about rules and regulations when it comes to lighting fireworks, especially when these rules come from the Dutch Government.

The BIEM app