WE x Nina

WE x Nina

The results of this ‘fiction meets reality’ storyline approach were impressive. Millions of women in the target group (32,4%) were reached by broadcasting the series. The biggest Google search uplift in 5 years. After the main event in the soap ,launch of the Nina sanders collection at WE Fashion, there was an icrease in site visits of wefashion.nl over 75.000. Significant raise (9-11%) on all Brand values (cool, trendy, sympathic, own style, appeals to me personally, modern, stylish, good quality). Ton’s of Free Publicity in all relevant media. And last but certainly not least a great increase in traffic (store,website and app). The sales of the collection showed a sales increase to 220 in a decreasing market (index = 100).

The complexness of the briefing, cool vs mainstream, talk of the town vs don’t over do it, asked for a very flexible solution. Therefor we created a genuine 360 degree solution: we integrated a very complex^ and never seen before mix between fiction and real life. We did this by making a very natural connection between the most popular daily soap (GTST) in NL and real life fashion, lifestyle and aspiration. We gave a well known personage (Nina Sanders) a role in the real world! Brief storyline: Nina Sanders is an upcoming fashion designer. In her storyline she wins a contract to design a collection for a famous fashion retailer, WE. For the very first time a real life company plays a relevant and trustworthy part in a ‘soap world’. To make this fiction meets reality storyline complete: the fashion collection was really produced, promoted via an extensive marketing campaign, fashionshows and of course made available in all stores of WE. The bridge between Fiction and real life was build.

The coordination of timings of recording a daily soap (recording 5-6 months in advance), the production of a complete clothing collection, integration in the daily life of Vloggers, using social and traditional media and managing the press and forthcoming rumors was probably the biggest challenge!

The Brand WE Fashion (WE) wants their coolness back. Back in the ‘spotlights’ of Fashion. Even some ‘Talk of the town’. But in a relevant and trustworthy way for their target audience females 20-49. Although this group is somewhat into fashion, they are very critical to overpromising or overdoing it. So we have to build a bridge between an impactful ‘fashion’ statement and ‘average/mainstream’ females in the age group 20-49. The main measurements were:
Conquer the hearts of the audience (through stories and PR)
Affect brandvalues: Cool, Trendy, Sympathtic, Modern, Stylish.
Secondary KPI: activate visits to WE Fashion stores and webshop . In other words: increase of SALES!

WE x NinaWE x NinaWE x NinaWE x NinaWE x NinaWE x NinaWE x NinaWE x NinaWE x Nina

Jury Feedback


‘The fun of playing with the ne line between ction & reality. Very smart to start the story for We in a soap and nish it with the real collection in the WE stores. Also to use a ‘persona’ as an ambassador instead of a famous person as ambassador is refreshing.’