Welkom in de nieuwe wereld

Welkom in de nieuwe wereld

Eneco has been given a boost. All indicators show a big plus. Our campaigns get more recognition and are valued higher. Also, it sells. We got 14% more new energy contracts in 2016. They tell us that’s a lot, in a commodity business. Our State-of-the-Union campaigns and Buurman & Buurman film get hundreds of thousands of online viewers, which is a lot for an energy company. Eneco campaigns have become audience favourites. And sustainability something you want to belong to.

Energy is low interest. Sustainability something people find important, but they hate to be preached to. Innovative technology can seem intimidating. Eneco happens to be a supplier of clean energy that uses innovative technology to help people save energy. So we had to come up with a tone-of-voice that faced these challenges head on.

We bring a personal approach, an in-your-face directness together with some fun, to form our very own tone-of-voice. One that gives ‘the energy business’ a much needed breath of fresh air. We don’t talk about what ‘we as a people should do’, but always about what ‘you can do’. Also, we don’t beat around the bush. We use the way people talk and add some ‘street’ (over het klimaat lullen is goed, er iets aan doen is beter). Through these bold and personal messages we weave some wordplay and humor that drive our messages home and add some much needed lightness.

This way we make our sustainability theme accessible, fun and relevant to a wide audience. By adding an entertainment factor, implicitly we’re saying: green and sustainability are actually pretty good fun.

Eneco has a mission to make renewable energy something for everyone: energy from sun, wind and biomass. But also to make the move from supplying energy to helping consumers do things for themselves. Eneco believes that people generating, storing and sharing their own energy is the future, and we’re going to help them do it. Energy as a service, we call it. And because Eneco is at the forefront in making technological innovations widely accessible, it really is possible. Even now.
And Eneco is in a hurry to get on with it. Not only because the climate can’t wait for us to get our act together, but also because all that new technology needs to be sold now.

Welkom in de nieuwe wereldWelkom in de nieuwe wereldWelkom in de nieuwe wereldWelkom in de nieuwe wereldWelkom in de nieuwe wereld