ADCN live from Cannes Lions: Gijs de Beus

ADCN live from Cannes Lions: Gijs de Beus

ADCN live from Cannes Lions: Gijs de Beus

Gijs de Beus is Director of Strategy at Havas Media Netherlands and judging the Media Lions this year. This was his day at the Cannes Lions Festival.

ADCN live from Cannes Lions: Gijs de Beus

This is the jury room for the first three days. We went trough 150 cases a day on average and then 350+ shortlist cases in one day. With this view it was doable of course. Definitely not the dreadful dungeon people said it would be.

ADCN live from Cannes Lions: Gijs de Beus

Catching up with all 35 media judges at the club Mindshare. They're off-Croisette in a villa; it's a cool place.

ADCN live from Cannes Lions: Gijs de BeusADCN live from Cannes Lions: Gijs de Beus

Left - Jury duty can be really hard. Today's Sunday and the festival is really kicking off. Tomorrow we choose the winners from the shortlist. Some quiet before the storm. Right - Our jury president (Mindshare) wasn't kidding when he said everything is a medium. Mental note: the competition has their own towels.

ADCN live from Cannes Lions: Gijs de Beus

Apparently the place to be this year is on a yacht. But I didn't feel like swimming that far.

ADCN live from Cannes Lions: Gijs de Beus

A new emerging trend in hospitality I noticed in Cannes. (Free media jury insights for whoever finds out where this is in Cannes.)

ADCN live from Cannes Lions: Gijs de Beus

Just another Cannes sunset. Tomorrow we decide who gets Media Lions.

ADCN live from Cannes Lions: Gijs de Beus

They weren't kidding when they said everyone drinks a lot of rosé here. I Think this was a 4,5 liter bottle. There was a 3-liter bottle earlier. This was after we finished the first round of judging.

ADCN live from Cannes Lions: Gijs de Beus

Our own Havas cafe on the Croisette. Set to get started tomorrow. Next to my hotel, so glad judging ends tomorrow. Don't forget to get a Havas hat (although for the life of me I can't figure out how the vending machine works myself).

On this first day of ADCN live from Cannes Lions we will also feature the report of Dutch Young Creatives (Jonge Honden) Timon Zijderlaan and Daphne Koenen. Make sure to come back tomorrow for the ADCN live from Cannes Lions reports of Cannes Lions speaker Mark Woerde from LEMZ and ADCN board member Wesley ter Haar from MediaMonks.